Face Value: The Unattainable Beauty Standards of Gay Culture

Unattainable beauty standards are nothing strange in the western world, but they are uniquely heightened within gay culture. To find out why body beauty is so prized in gay spaces, Liam Heitmann-Ryce-LeMercier speaks with two young queer men for their perspectives.

Money Shot

With any type of marriage divorce can happen

Relationships can be hard at times. They need work while we navigate each other’s habits and attitudes in life and find our common ground. As they say, ‘opposites attract’! It is often our differences with stuff, including our money management and style which can cause real friction and frustration.
Health, Sex & Wellbeing

The rise in LGBTQ+ romance literature?

Once upon a time, romance novels from major U.S. publishers featured only heterosexual couples. Today, the five biggest publishers regularly release same-sex love stories.

Pronouns and why they are important

For many people, their pronouns are an essential part of who they are, and by using them, you’re doing your bit to make them feel validated and included.

Using simple art practices to quite you mind

When art meets meditation and mindfulness. Contrary to popular belief, meditation doesn’t always mean sitting with your eyes closed. In fact, you can practice meditation virtually anywhere — grab yourself a pencil and quieten your mind.
Fashion | Ubank

Ruby Pedder receives Australia’s largest emerging designer prize

Australia's award-winning digital bank, ubank, has announced Ruby Pedder as the 2024 honouree of its Feel-Good Fashion Fund, Australia’s newest and largest emerging fashion designer prize.
Samuel Leighton-Dore

The Power of Queer Storytelling

FUSE was super excited to have a heart-to-heart with queer screenwriter, director and multidisciplinary visual artist Samuel Leighton-Dore.

Make the perfect espresso martini at home

The Espresso Martini has become a prominent feature on the cocktail scene and is one of the most popular orders at bars and clubs around the world, including Australia, which is no surprise given our love of coffee.
Turmeric Latte

Golden awesomeness and making the perfect Turmeric Latte

Turmeric Lattes make a wonderfully nourishing drink that boosts your immune system and wellbeing. This spicy golden blend may be one of the most nutritious drinks with spices such as turmeric and ground ginger.


Capital of Equality - Mardi Gras 2024 (Photos)

The “Capital of Equality” float, beautifully embodied the essence of Canberra — a vibrant community residing in this wonderfully diverse Australian city.

Qwire Many Voices All in Harmony

The Canberra Qwire story began in 1993 when a small group met in a suburban garage filled with tools, gardening supplies and a whole lot of musical promise.

Queer Horoscopes September 2023

Here is what September 2023 has instal for you. As the holiday season approaches, being flexible and easygoing will help us all enjoy getting back out in the world after several Christmases stuck indoors. Be prepared for a cosmic dose of transformation, expansion and growth, as the universe en...

Everyone Drips Differently

Sex and intimacy are a fundamental part of the human experience, but they’re rarely talked about in the same way as food or water. Drip wants to change that.

Briefs: Who knew juggling in tights could be so damn hot!

After smashing all expectations and sell-out shows around the country, the Briefs boys have their hills hoists poised and are ready to air their Dirty Laundry!


Face Value: The Unattainable Beauty Standards of Gay Culture

Unattainable beauty standards are nothing strange in the western world, but they are uniquely heightened within gay culture. To find out why body beauty is so prized in gay spaces, Liam Heitmann-Ryce-LeMercier speaks with two young queer men for their perspectives.

Problems with dating apps and can they be fixed?

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide use dating apps, but only half of users say that they have had positive experiences. Incredibly, many users also received threats of harm.

Police Marching at Mardi Gras must come with real change

The policing of LGBTQ+ people casts a long, dark shadow. Police marching at Mardi Gras must be backed up with real change.

The great US rights rollback

America. The self-proclaimed ‘land of the free’ and ‘home of the brave’. But if you have been paying attention to US politics this year, you’d be forgiven for thinking that freedom and bravery had been thrown out of the proverbial window.


Pronouns and why they are important

For many people, their pronouns are an essential part of who they are, and by using them, you’re doing your bit to make them feel validated and included.

Is Disney lacking diversity

The Mouse House with Locked Doors. Will Disney ever truly let us in? For young queer people, seeing themselves reflected back on the screen is crucial.

My Superman - A Millennial’s Musings on Marriage

Gay marriage is not about two people being gay: it’s about two people who love each other and who have decided to commit to each other for the exact same reasons any other couple would get married.

Acceptance = Happier LGBT people

If your sexual orientation is accepted by society you will be happier and more satisfied with your life.

Aussie LGBTIQ+ Buddhists feel pressure to hide their identities

New findings by Australian researcher Stephen Kerry, Lecturer in Sociology at Charles Darwin University, have found that LGBTIQ+ Buddhists in Australia are struggling and feel pressure to hide their authentic selves. It's not very Buddhist!

How to creatively express ‘queer joy’ online

A creative life is an amplified life. Alice Elizabeth Wilson is part of a research group looking at queer joy and the ways it is expressed online.

The trouble with Ghosting

Let’s get spooky because it’s time to talk about the practice of Ghosting, why people do it and why it's such a damaging practice.
Health, Sex & Wellbeing

Sex and its role in Happy Relationships

Sex matters in your relationship! There are many ways of being close with others, but sex with a partner who knows you intimately is often a much more passionate and connecting experience. Sex may seem like it’s purely a physical activity, but it also has a large emotional aspect to it as well.

Money Shot

With any type of marriage divorce can happen

Relationships can be hard at times. They need work while we navigate each other’s habits and attitudes in life and find our common ground. As they say, ‘opposites attract’! It is often our differences with stuff, including our money management and style which can cause real friction and frustration.
Health, Sex & Wellbeing

The rise in LGBTQ+ romance literature?

Once upon a time, romance novels from major U.S. publishers featured only heterosexual couples. Today, the five biggest publishers regularly release same-sex love stories.

What you need to know about getting married

Love knows no bounds, and in Australia, marriage is a celebration of that boundless love. This comprehensive LGBTIQ+ guide explores who can get married in Australia.

Why Creativity Matters. An Art Therapy Perspective.

Art is why I get up in the morning, but my definition ends there... you know, it really doesn’t seem fair to be living for something I can’t even define, but there we are, right here in the meantime.

So you're dating an Air Sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Although air signs can sometimes come across cold, they are more likely just lost in their own worlds, and are in fact, quite the opposite.
The Transgender Flag
Coming Out

I'm an older transgender struggling with loneliness

Dear Rose, After many difficult years, I have recently come out as a trans woman, and I’m finally starting to feel comfortable in my body. Being a person over 60, I’m struggling with isolation and loneliness. Where can I get some help? Tiffany
Coming Out

I'm Bi, should I come out of the closet?

Dear Rose, I’m a bi woman in a long-term heterosexual relationship. I’m out to my partner, but I’ve never actually been with another girl. I’ve recently started thinking about women again, but I’m worried that after three kids and not having talked about it for over 15+ years, it seems silly to b...
Relationships Question

Country bloke dating a city guy!

Dear Rose, I’m a country bloke, and I’ve recently started dating a city guy, and I want to introduce him to my family. They’re not openly homophobic but often very insensitive. Do you have any advice on handling this? Joey
Sexuality Question

I recently discovered I am bisexual

Dear Rose, I’m in my early 20s and recently discovered I am bisexual. Do you think this merits coming out? Lisa
Relationships Question

My boyfriend keeps asking me to move in

Dear Rose, My boyfriend keeps asking me to move in. I don’t want to, as things are great as they are. Do you think that’s OK? SJ

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