Australian LGBTIQ+ politicians experiencing abuse
LGBTIQ+ politicians in Australia were hit with vile online abuse at the last federal election. The coming campaign could be even worse.
Social Media
Meta's new policies will harm the LGBTIQ+ community
Experts have been talking about the negative effects of social media on our mental health for years, and things are about to get worse. James May writes about how Abuse and Hate are now OK on Facebook and Insta and how it may affect our rainbow communities.
Are you gay enough for Britain’s LGBTIQ nightlife scene?
Beneath the rainbow-fronted glow of inclusion and acceptance lies gatekeeping, policing and exclusion from these seemingly welcoming spaces. Harassment and exclusion are not only prolific in the general night time economy in the UK, but also on the gay scene.
LGBTIQ+ Australians are tired of being ignored.
The 2026 Census presented a crucial opportunity to count the LGBTIQ+ population in Australia for the first time. Here’s why counting us in the next census is so important.
Face Value: The Unattainable Beauty Standards of Gay Culture
Unattainable beauty standards are nothing strange in the western world, but they are uniquely heightened within gay culture. Liam Heitmann-Ryce-LeMercier speaks with two young queer men for their perspectives.
Problems with dating apps and can they be fixed?
Hundreds of millions of people worldwide use dating apps, but only half of users say that they have had positive experiences. Incredibly, many users also received threats of harm.
Police Marching at Mardi Gras must come with real change
The policing of LGBTQ+ people casts a long, dark shadow. Police marching at Mardi Gras must be backed up with real change.
The great US rights rollback
America. The self-proclaimed ‘land of the free’ and ‘home of the brave’. But if you have been paying attention to US politics this year, you’d be forgiven for thinking that freedom and bravery had been thrown out of the proverbial window.
Pronouns and why they are important
For many people, their pronouns are an essential part of who they are, and by using them, you’re doing your bit to make them feel validated and included.