The Street and SpringOUT present an eveing with Winner of the Australian Mo Award for Best Live Comedy Act, Jackie Loeb is a stand-up comic, actor, singer and musician.
Aussie gay pop king Troye Sivan is on tour in Australia 19 - 29 November. "I want this to be the pop show. It has to be the party. It has to be the best night of your life, the best night of my life."
Bite Club features Brisbane’s award-winning cult-cabaret mischief-makers, circus stars, and heart-stopping hooligans Briefs Factory, as they join forces with much celebrated and sainted songbird Sahara Beck.
Flazeda Canberra's Alternate Performing Arts Hub is located by the lake in Belconnen and is a friendly and inclusive space where you can enjoy events, parties, classes, workshops, and more.