10 ways to help you feel happier now

Many things can influence your happiness, some of which are totally outside of your control. But there are easy things that you can do to make life better and improve your well-being. Here are 10 things you can do that will help you feel happier each day!

Health, Sex & Wellbeing

Sex and its role in Happy Relationships

Sex matters in your relationship! There are many ways of being close with others, but sex with a partner who knows you intimately is often a much more passionate and connecting experience. Sex may seem like it’s purely a physical activity, but it also has a large emotional aspect to it as well.


Dos & Don’ts Dating In The Workplace

Are you crushing on a co-worker? Do you go for it or walk away? Read our how to guide and handy hints on navigating a relationship in the workplace (or not).


Breathwork. A Path to Healing & Connection

Breathwork as a concept has been relatively obscure until now. Recently discussions about mental wellbeing have become more common, prompting people to explore techniques supporting mental health, including breathwork, which has surged in popularity.


So you're dating an Air Sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Although air signs can sometimes come across cold, they are more likely just lost in their own worlds, and are in fact, quite the opposite.


The trouble with Ghosting

Let’s get spooky because it’s time to talk about the practice of Ghosting, why people do it and why it's such a damaging practice.


Unleashing Your Inner Peace

3 Beginner Breathwork Techniques. A Breathwork can be a powerful life tool. Incorporating these simple techniques into your daily routine can help create a sense of calm, boost your energy levels, and be beneficial during stressful moments in your life.


Are you gay enough for Britain’s LGBTIQ nightlife scene?

Beneath the rainbow-fronted glow of inclusion and acceptance lies gatekeeping, policing and exclusion from these seemingly welcoming spaces. Harassment and exclusion are not only prolific in the general night time economy in the UK, but also on the gay scene.


Celbrate Yule like a true Pagan

As the end of the approaches, we look at the long and ancient history of Yule around the world and how to celebrate the season with heart and authenticity. Celbrate Yule like a true Pagan.

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