FUSE69 'Yes, it’s true! Kylie Minogue is on the cover'

Yes, it’s true! Kylie Minogue is on the cover of FUSE Magazine! You may have noticed that after 16 years of publishing, this is our first issue with only one cover! well... that’s because... Kylie!
Padam Padam, it's Kylie Minogue!
We all have watershed moments in life. One of mine came a few weeks ago when I found out Kylie Minogue was touring Australia again, and her promotional team from Frontier Touring wanted her to feature on the cover of FUSE. Like, YES! I was more excited than a twink at their first gay dance party!
Like many of you, I’m a huge fan, and to celebrate our Kylie cover, you’ll find our special feature, ‘The Rise of Australia’s Pop Queen’, where we delve into all things Kylie and look back at her amazing journey from soap star to, undoubtedly, our greatest gay pop icon, p12. You’ll also find details about her upcoming 2025 Tension Tour, which will kick off in Perth before making stops in Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney, on p28 — our centre spread.
This issue also features other things we celebrate and love. Over on p16, we write about reconnecting with Christmas and how discovering the true roots of Yule can bring back real meaning to this over-commercialised time of year. In our efforts to support handmade, local businesses and poor starving LGBTIQ+ artists, we have a bunch of great gift ideas to make your present buying a whole lot more interesting this year. See Santa’s Sack p26. And, for those wanting to save this holiday season, our money guru Scott Malcolm explains how you can ‘sleigh’ that Christmas budget. He unwraps some helpful tips to help keep your finances merry and bright this holiday season, p30.
It’s also pride in Canberra during November, and FUSE is proud to be an official media partner again this year. We’re great supporters of SpringOUT and are thrilled to include our 12-page Festival Guide packed with great events so you don’t miss a thing! Check it out on p33.
We also have an interesting read about the aftermath of opposition to equality and its health implications on LGBTIQ+ communities. In some worrying results, new research has shown that objection to marriage equality and the stress that came with the 2017 plebiscite is still making some Australians in same-sex relationships unwell today, p47.
On a lighter note, on p51 you’ll find some great social photos from the opening of Kaleidoscope III, which is showing at Belco Arts until 1 December. On p53, the fabulous Phish and Phreak queens and their adoring fans kick up their heals at 88MPH and Blackbird. Plus, don’t forget to check your horoscope out on p55 and our queer advice column by Rose on p56.
I’d like to finish up this year by congratulating Canberra’s out and proud Chief Minister Andrew Barr, who has led ACT Labor to their seventh consecutive election win in the territory. It’s a great result for the LGBTIQ+ community as Canberrans return Labor and the Greens to power in the ACT, resigning the conservative Liberals to more than a quarter of a century in the political wilderness. We are incredibly fortunate to have a progressive leader and champion of LGBTIQ+ rights as our Chief Minister. Andrew Barr is also the longest-serving political leader in the country.
I hope you enjoy this issue of FUSE — it may become a collector’s item, so keep it somewhere safe. Everyone on our team here at FUSE wishes you all a safe and joyous pride month, holiday season and Yuletide.
Alexander Thatcher — Executive Editor
FUSE69 'Yes, it’s true! Kylie Minogue is on the cover'
EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Alexander Thatcher
- Dwayne Lennox
- David Blanco
- Scott Malcolm
- Rose Pappalardo
- Nelida Contreras
- James E. Shields III
- Joshua Wrest
- Nathan J Lester
- Douglas J Robinson
- Erik Melvin (cover)
- Laura Johansen
Published + designed by Lithium Innovation Pty Ltd. ISSN 1836-8387