FUSE66 Everyone Deserves A Voice That’s Heard

In this issue, The Rocky Horror Show lands. 50 years doing the Time Warp — We chat to Loredo Malcolm. Local hero Jolene Mifsud talks InkBits, gender and community. Robyn Archer, musical legend and queer icon, chats to FUSE about her upcoming tour. We all fall over; it’s OK. Let it go. Learn the gentle and important art of transforming failure. Plus Drag Attack, Pride Play List, Queer Streaming, Dear Rose, Horoscopes and more!
Everyone deserves a voice that’s heard
Authentic listening is an act of kindness; it builds trust and can heal wounds. It’s the greatest gift you can give.
We often hear others making desperate pleas, “Will you listen to me, please; just hear me out; I’m trying to tell you something”. It’s an attempt to grab the listener’s attention when we are not heard.
Listening used to be more natural to us humans when life was slower, and people had simple lives with fewer distractions.
Nowadays, we are constantly on the go and our heads are packed with thoughts. We listen (sometimes) but don’t hear; what we will say next becomes more critical. I believe that, because no one feels heard, talking has become the priority for most of us — this builds frustration, resentment and the twisting of truth. This can have severe ramifications for individuals and communities.
With this in mind, before the end of the year, we’ll be asked to vote on The Voice to Parliament, a concept that has come from Indigenous people that allows for a mechanism where our First Nations people can be heard.
It seems a ‘fair ask’ from a people who have held custodianship of Australia for over sixty thousand years, and have frankly been treated incredibly badly in the short 250 years since the white man arrived. The clash of cultures and the force by which Australia was colonised has left Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a severely compromised position. For many years they have been asking to be heard and for the truth to be told.
Personally, what I find heartbreaking (like with the same-sex marriage plebiscite) is that we even have to vote on someone’s basic call to be validated and to be heard. It looks all too familiar as the NO camp and right-wing media use fear, misdirection and lies to try and stop social progress and healing. Like the plebiscite, those tactics cause psychological stress among already vulnerable communities. I don’t think it is OK, and it’s not kind. We forget (or don’t care) that words are powerful things and can cut like the sharpest sword.
The sky did not fall when Australia voted YES for same-sex marriage equality, and it won’t if we let Indigenous people have a voice.
On page 43, you will find an article supplied by The Conversation, ‘What can we learn from the marriage equality vote about supporting First Nations people during the Voice debate?’. It’s a good read if you would like a more in-depth understanding of why this is important.
Big stuff, but this issue is not all about the serious side of life. We also talk to some inspirational community trailblazers, like local hero Jolene Mifsud; they discuss what it means to be non-binary and their commitment to building safe spaces p35. Gay icon Robyn Archer, who muses about her unapologetic queer manifestations and the menopause blues p19; and the talented Loredo Malcolm about his upcoming role in The Rocky Horror Show p27.
We also delve into all the drama around drag queens and libraries p17, the art of failing and letting go p22, plus don’t forget to check out all the awesome photos from FreshOut and the Mardi Gras Film Festival p48.
Stay safe and be kind,
Alexander Thatcher
Executive Editor
FUSE65 — Everyone Deserves A Voice That’s Heard
EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Alexander Thatcher
- Dwayne Lennox
- David Blanco
- Scott Malcolm
- Rose Pappalardo
- Nicky Green
Published + designed by Lithium Innovation Pty Ltd. ISSN 1836-8387