Can I survive a long distance relationship?

Dear Long Distance Blues, Long distance is one of the hardest relationships to maintain. You have to be really clear on the boundaries and what is going to work for both of you, and I have done a few of these!
It really depends on what you are prepared to do to be with this girl. You could try the commute thing where you are both visiting each other alternatively, or if you are in a position to move to where she is that is also a good option.
My advice, though, is to always have a plan B, so that if things don’t work out you have a plan and support to return back home. Put some cash away and be prepared that it might not work out — if it doesn’t at least you would have had an adventure!
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"I’ve been searching for ways to heal myself, and I’ve found that kindness is the best way.”
Lady Gaga
American singer, songwriter and actress.