Sexuality Question

Guys pressuring me to take PrEP

Dear Rose, I’m a 24-year-old guy, and I decided some time ago that PrEP was not for me. Unfortunately, I currently find myself experiencing a lot of peer pressure and knockbacks online from other guys who don’t want to use condoms. I’m not sure what to do as it seems I’m missing a lot of opportunities. JT
Rose Pappalardo  |  Dear Rose

Dear JT, It’s smart being cautious with your body when it comes to keeping yourself safe. While PrEP is a fantastic breakthrough in the prevention of HIV, it can still have side effects for some people.

There are also many sexually transmitted diseases that PreP does not protect against that can have serious impacts on your health. PreP or not, condoms are an important part of keeping yourself safe during sex.

Peer pressure and the fear of missing out can make sticking to our principals difficult sometimes, and yes you might miss opportunities, but I would be more concerned about the consequences of unsafe sex.

The fact is having a strong sense of self and owning your own life decisions is pretty damn sexy, so I’d stick to my guns if I were you.


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 24 hours Lifeline 13 11 14
24 hours QLife 1800 184 527
Westlund Counselling Canberra 02 6257 2855
Relationships Australia 1300 364 277

PLEASE NOTE: Any relationship, love, health, mental health, fitness or dietary advice contained on the FUSE Magazine website or in print is for entertainment and informational purposes only. Consult your doctor, counsellor, psychologist, physician, fitness, health professional before taking any life advice, changing your diet, doing any exercise program, or taking any supplements or remedies of any kind. Photographs used to illustrate editorial do not depict the real lives, behaviour or sexuality of the models. Opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the FUSE publisher, editor or staff. 

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