FUSE64 Celebrate Pride & Celebrate You

In this issue you'll find: Why Gender pronouns, Disney’s queer representation, Ellen Reed heading to Fresh Out, Meet Ethan will melt your heart. Plus: Pride in Canberra, Sydney WorldPride Rainbow City, Become a Foster Carer, Lesbian Polar Bears, Not the Only Clay in the Village, Trans Game-Changer, Your Horoscope And more!
Welcome to FUSE64. Canberra Pride Month As the pride season and Christmas hurtle towards us, I’m filled with both excitement and anxiety. I’m sure I am not the only one; life feels super hectic at the moment. As the pride season and Christmas hurtle towards us, I’m filled with both excitement and a little anxiety.
I’m sure I am not the only one; life feels super hectic at the moment. Unfortunately for us humans, both these feelings flood our bodies with pretty much the same chemicals, so sometimes it’s hard to know if you should run, dance or possibly do both. Either way, my body is super ready to dodge any hungry lions at the moment.
The truth is that our bodies can’t actually tell the difference between anxiety and excitement. Meaning our nervous system mobilises us to respond either way, whether we’re dealing with something truly perilous like a charging beast, negative stories manifesting in our heads or the prospect of something fun, exciting or new. Hormonally it’s all the same.
Photo: FUSE Publishers, Christopher Powell and Alexander Thatcher.
It’s a common feeling around this time of year, so I thought I’d start this issue off as I often do by writing another editorial reminder to myself, with the hope it might help others as well. Sharing is good, right?
Although both pride and Christmas are meant to be a joyful time, life is filled with ups and downs, so this isn’t how it always goes. Christmas can be super busy and stressful; and pride, though a celebration of who we are, can bring on anxiety for some. Being an authentic you out in the world is not always easy.
I’ve always been an easily excited guy (just ask my partner Christopher) and, in recent years, despite my spiritual endeavours, have struggled with anxiety too. There are so many techniques we’re told to do to help us survive difficult moments; but let’s face it, knowing and doing are two entirely different things. Apparently, failing is par for the course.
I’m learning it’s ok to fail and be fragile. You don’t have to be tough or get through it. The truth is “not coping” can actually be a path to healing. So if you feel a bit like me, be kind to yourself, be ok with failing, and the big one... breathe and breathe deep.
It’s hard not to be excited with summer coming (despite the wet spring); the next few months are literally jam-packed with fun and exciting things to do.
In breaking news, you’ll have to wait until 4 February for Fresh Out in Glebe Park, as rain and safety concerns have meant the event has been postponed until early 2023. But don’t worry, November is still filled with great Canberra pride events like Bushdance, Drag Spectacular, the Big Gay Breakfast and so much more — you’ll find a special FUSE festival guide starting on p7.
In Sydney, Mardi Gras and WorldPride will unite to present a global LGBTIQ+ festival running from 17 February to 5 March 2023, with the theme ’GATHER, DREAM, AMPLIFY’. There will be parties, concerts, theatre, art installations, exhibitions, sports — everything you can imagine with a rainbow flavour!
Most exciting, of course, is that our world-renowned pride parade will be returning to Oxford Street in celebration of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras’ 45th anniversary on Saturday, 25 February 2023. There are lots of big days and glorious nights ahead of us.
Keep an eye on the FUSE website and our socials as we keep you up to date with everything happening here in Canberra and at Sydney WorldPride.
Have a great break, and a big thank you to all our readers, contributors, partners and advertisers who’ve made FUSE possible for the past 13+ years.
Stay safe and be kind
Alexander Thatcher
Executive Editor
EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Alexander Thatcher
- Dwayne Lennox
- Scott Malcolm
- Rose Pappalardo
- Damien O’Meara
- Liam Burke
- Pablo Henrique
- Zoe Cambridge
- Jade D’Amico
- Nathan J Lester
- Douglas Robinson
Published + designed by Lithium Innovation Pty Ltd. ISSN 1836-8387