Life & Wellbeing Archive


Is there such a thing as 'too much sex'?

It is no longer believed that sexual irregular behaviour is responsible for failed crops or epidemics of the plague, so public stoning is no longer an acceptable response to behaviour that is outside of cultural expectations.


A easy guide to working out at home

Working out at home has its benefits: It’s convenient, it’s time-efficient (compared with traveling to a gym or fitness studio), and it’s cost-effective.


Get a hot six pack you've dreamed about!

Uncover what lies beneath; there's work to be done! Find out all you need to know about sculpting those abs of your dreams.


Get back to basics and look hot with your shirts off

What makes an ideal body, and why do we want one so badly?.

Money Shot

4 money goals to reach before you turn 40

Each new decade of life offers us the chance to reflect on where we’ve come from, what goals we’ve achieved, and which new ones we’d like to set for the future.


Your ‘ideal’ body, and why you want it?

What makes an ideal body, and why do we want one so badly?


Rough and tumble love of roller derby

I credit the roller derby community with helping me discover and nurture my queer identity and my inclusive politics.


PrEPed & ready to go! Get PreP in Canberra!

Self-protection comes in many forms. There’s abstinence (you’re on your own there, kid), condoms (a time-honoured tradition) and new-kid-on-the-block, PrEP.

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