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It's how big? What is a 'Normal' Penis Size?

Australians may be delighted to learn that Aussie men are very much average on the world stage when it comes to penis size. A wide range of penis and erections sizes are normal, and the size of your penis can depend on a number of factors.
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Many men question what the average penis size is and whether their dick size is average, big or small. Most men seem to at least like reassurance that they are normal. However, normal and average can be very different. A wide range of penis and erections sizes are normal and the size of your penis can depend on a number of factors.

Nomograms* (see the end of this article) representing the range of "normal" penis size measurements across all ages and races may help alleviate anxiety about penis size among male patients and may also be useful for research purposes. In total, 17 studies with up to 15,521 males underwent penis size measurement by health professionals.

The world average for an erect penis is 13.12cm and the average length of a flaccid penis is 9.16cm.

To this end the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience and King's College London conducted a systematic review of studies measuring penile size in various samples and constructed nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference.

In total, 17 studies with up to 15,521 males who underwent penis size measurement by health professionals were included in the analysis, and five definitive nomograms for flaccid and erect penis size measurements were developed. (See infographic).

On the basis of the nomograms, the average length of a flaccid penis was 9.16 cm, whereas the average lengths of a flaccid stretched penis and an erect penis, respectively, were 13.24 and 13.12 cm, the investigators report in an article published online March 3 in BJU International. In addition, the average circumference was 9.31 cm for a flaccid penis and 11.66 cm for an erect penis.

Researchers have found no correlation between a man’s foot size and the length of his manhood.

"The most consistent and strongest significant correlation was between flaccid stretched or erect length and height, which was found in four studies and ranged from r = 0.21 to 0.31 and in one study was 0.61," the authors report, noting that correlations with other somatometric parameters were either inconsistent or weak.

Penile measurement may be important either in the assessment of men complaining of a small penis or for academic interest. "Men may present to urologists or sexual medicine clinics with a concern with their penis size, despite their size falling within a normal range," the authors explain. In addition to this concern, referred to as small penis anxiety, "[s]ome men who are preoccupied and severely distressed with the size of their penis may be diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder," they write.

Only 2.3% of the male population has an abnormally small penis, and the same percentage has a monster in their pants!

Although all of the studies included in the review relied on a standardized procedure for measuring penile size, the authors acknowledge the potential risk for bias in the measurements, noting that "temperature, level of arousal, and previous ejaculation could also affect the penile dimensions."

The nomograms may be helpful both "clinically and in research to determine the discrepancy between what a man perceives to be their position on the nomogram and their actual position," the authors write.

"A nomogram may also be used to investigate the tendency for humans to view themselves as better than average (self-enhancement) and to hold a positive bias for socially valued dimensions."

Infographic : Average Erect Penis Size Around the World

*Nomograms are a pictorial representation of a complex mathematical formula. 

The average penis size in the Australiais 13.21cm (5.2in). Australians may be delighted to learn that Aussie men are decidedly, well – average – when it comes to penis size. While by no means as well-endowed as our Ecuador or Belgium, residents of the Australia have bragging rights over some of the folks over in Southeast Asia.

What Impacts Penis Size?

The Temperature

In colder weather, a non-erect penis is usually smaller than usual because the blood vessels constrict in order to preserve warmth within your body. By the same token, hot weather can increase the size of the non-erect penis as blood vessels dilate and there is better blood flow around your whole body.

Arousal Levels

If you’re especially in the mood, your member will totally show it. It is also common to experience stronger erections that are slightly larger than usual when you are more stimulated than norma. This is owed to the increased blood supply that your penis receives when you are feeling extra stimulated.

Your Age

After the age of 40, burgeoning birthday candles can cause your penis to appear smaller, due to a combination of reduced testosterone and age-related circulatory conditions. One example is arteriosclerosis, where your arteries become clogged with fatty deposits. If they occur in the arterial blood supply to the penis, this will result in your erections becoming less firm.