In this issue: Canberra pride festival guide. American LGBTIQ freedoms out of the window. Gender and King Lear. From Mardi Gras to SpringOUT, we catch up with Lynne OBrien. Venus Mantrap from Valley of the Molls. Canberra Qwire turns 30. Queer Buddhists. Dear Rose, Gay horoscopes, social photos and more.
Judy Small, hailed as the Grande Dame of Australian Folk Music, has left an indelible mark on the music scene with her poignant and politically charged songs.
Hailing from Coffs Harbour, she found early inspiration in folk legends like Joan Baez and The Seekers, embarking on her musical career in the late 1970s. Her songs, acclaimed for their feminist and social justice themes, have been recorded by notable artists.
Lynne O’Brien has undoubtedly earned this issue’s cover title of Local Hero! Her involvement and volunteer work with LGBTIQ+ community projects, businesses and PRIDE organisations over the past 38+ years is awe-inspiring.
She is a proud lesbian, feminist, provocateur, activist, wife, mother of three, ovarian cancer survivor and grandmother of five!
Qwire's upcoming anniversary concert, "Singing Out With Pride" will be an afternoon of uplifting music, heartwarming stories, and exuberant performances, say's Leanne Linmore, Qwire's Assistant Musical Director.
"The show will feature an eclectic repertoire of material. There will be nostalgia and personal stories as well as high-quality music. You can expect a good variety of songs and a wonderful time".
The rainbow pride flag will be raised outside the ACT Legislative Assembly in Canberra, marking the commencement of the SpringOUT 'Pride in the Capital' month-long festival celebrating Canberra's LGBTQIA+ community.
These are common refrains that we hear everyday — from others, from the media, from ourselves. “Life is stressful”. Yes, life is full of challenges and stressors — deadlines, traffic jams caused by the new light rail building works, arguments with a spouse, work pressures, social anxieties, too many competing priorities, new relationships, navigating school or study — all are potential causes of stress in some degree or other.
Is your household in financial stress, in this article you'll find some tips and tricks to help with your financial wellness during tough times. Financial wellness refers to being in control of your financial life and having the ability to meet current and future needs.
Dear Frustrated, I hear your pain! One of the biggest issues that women have is communicating what they want when it comes to the bedroom. The great thing is that she is prepared to try what you want.