Rainbow Racquets Squash

Play queer social squash in Canberra! Rainbow Racquets Squash is a gay-friendly LGBTIQ+squash group. The main purpose of the group is to provide an informal environment for LGBTIQ+ people in the Canberra region to enjoy squash.
Rainbow Racquets Woden
Welcoming people of various levels as long as you give it your best and have some fun :)
- 6-8 pm every Thursday night at Woden Squash Centre
- 4 Launceston St, Woden ACT
Cost is $12 (depending on the number of players) but free for your first time to encourage new players!
All you need to bring is yourself, sports clothes and a squash racquet. If you let us know you're coming beforehand, we can bring an extra racquet if needed. In keeping with the social aspect, we usually go out for dinner somewhere after playing. For more details, visit the facebook page below or call 402 448 967.
Rainbow Racquets at UC
Pride in UC Sport presents Rainbow Racquet, an LGBTQ+ friendly squash session every Wednesday from 5.45pm - 7.45pm at the UC Squash Courts (building 4). Belconnen.
Gay Squash Canberra Inner South
The Gay Squash group meets every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8:00pm, with three courts to use, so feel free to turn up and play. We welcome both male and female players, and all levels are catered for, from beginners to very experienced. See link below for more details.