Prominent lesbian scientist receives Medal of Freedom

Being queer has enhanced my perspective and capabilities as an astronomer. - Jane Rigby.
FUSE  |  World News
Prominent lesbian scientist, Jane Rigby receives Medal of Freedom

Jane Rigby, an out lesbian and one of NASA’s chief scientists, has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honour in the US.

The award recognises individuals for exemplary contributions to society, including prosperity, values, security and world peace.

Rigby, a civil servant astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, is also decorated with numerous accolades, such as being named LGBTQ+ Scientist of the Year in 2022.

She was also a founding member of the American Astronomical Society’s LGBTQ+ Equality Working Group. Rigby, who holds a bachelor’s degree in physics, astronomy and astrophysics, lives in Maryland with her wife and their child.

In her work and advocacy, Rigby emphasises that being queer has enhanced her perspective and capabilities as an astronomer.

She advises LGBTIQ+ individuals to “do fabulous science, be fabulous and be proud.”

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