ACT passes Variation in Sex Characteristics Bill

The ACT Assembly has passed legislation introduced by Andrew Barr, Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory, to protect the human rights of people with innate variations of sex characteristics in medical settings.
The Variation in Sex Characteristics (Restricted Medical Treatment) Bill 2023 will implement mechanisms to regulate non-urgent medical care to encourage child participation in medical decisions, establish groundbreaking oversight mechanisms and provide transparency on medical practices and decision-making.
“There’s a lot to celebrate. There will never be another time where a jurisdiction is the first in Australia to pass laws that protect intersex children. It brings me immense joy and peace to know that it happened in my home town Canberra. This is the moment where positive change has been demonstrated, and our challenge to other states and territories is clear. This can be done; when will you step up, in turn, to protect children against harm and trauma?”
Cody Smith, Training and Communication Officer — Intersex Human Rights Australia
Cody Smith says the legislation will "change the narrative" for future generations of intersex children. For advocates like Cody Smith, who was born intersex, being present in the chamber to see the legislation pass was a bitter-sweet moment.
"There's no changing what's happened to me but what we get to do is change the narrative for the next generation of intersex children."
MEDIA RELEASE: Australian first Bill to protect the rights and choices of people with variations in sex characteristics passes
ACT Government Media Release 08/06/2023