Australians show resistance to the exploiting the LGBTIQ+ community

A recent poll conducted by Equality Australia has delivered a clear message to federal politicians and other wantabs that they reject the politicisation of the LGBTIQ+ community ahead of the Federal election this year.
While the date of the election remains unknown, the political maneuvering is already in full swing, it seems, but according to a new survey, Australians, in general, are overwhelmingly against seeing LGBTIQ+ issues dragged through the mud for political gain.
The numbers speak for themselves.
A Redbridge poll conducted by Equality Australia found that politicians won't be able to score many political points if they use LGBT issues for political gain.
A whopping 75% of respondents agreed that politicians should not politicise LGBTIQ+ people. And when it comes to our transgender folk, the message was even louder, with 86% rejecting the cynical use of trans issues as a political football.
Teddy Cook, chair of the TransEquality Council, said in response to the survey that "Australians aren't interested in seeing trans people be used as a distraction in an election campaign. It's been tried before in Australia and is clearly a losing strategy.... frankly, it's about time politicians realised that using marginalised communities as punching bags isn't a winning tactic.
Key findings:
- 86% agree or strongly agree that government and opposition should not politicise trans issues for political gain
- 89% agree or strongly agree that LGBT people deserve to live with dignity and respect
- 91% agree or strongly agree that trans people should have the freedom and choice to live their lives in the way that makes them happy
- 81% agree of strongly agree that trans people deserve the same rights and protections as other Australians
This poll, which surveyed 1013 Australians and included two focus groups, suggests a growing weariness with the culture wars plaguing other countries.
Although only a small number of people were surveyed, it does seem that Australians, in general, think that human rights are not bargaining chips that can be used for political reasons.
Of course, we can't afford to be complacent. As we've seen in the past, some right-wing politicians are more than willing to throw vulnerable communities under the bus for a few votes than others.
“It’s clear from this polling that the vast majority of Australians see trans people as worthy of respect and protection, and they don’t want to see them used as a political punching bag." Equality Australia CEO Anna Brown
But this poll offers hope that Australians are ready to reject such divisive tactics like those seen overseas and want a more inclusive and respectful political discourse.
So, to all the politicians out there: take note and focus on real issues, like the economy, climate change, inequality, and affordable housing. Leave the LGBTIQ+ community out of your political games.