Moving Archetypes: Dance for connecting

Archetypes are mythical characters from all cultures that are mirrors of ourselves. Connecting with powerful archetypes through dance can help us link with larger narratives and find strength, creativity and power in everyday life.
Internationally award winning choreographer Padma Menon has taught all over the world. Padma offers classes which draw on her Indian cultural and dance lineage and her training in western dance. Her classes use Indian and western movement, reflection and guided improvisation.
“ exploring a hidden cave of delights...I uncovered new insights about my own creativity...”
We live in times when all wisdom traditions have been reinterpreted to suit consumer paradigms. Moving Archetypes is an offering of a rich tradition in dance, contemplation and philosophy that seeks to reclaim spaces that can offer an alternative to our current ways of being.
Through the dance, contemplation and philosophy classes, the invitation is to come in touch with expansive freedom from limiting paradigms that do not offer a full and congruent experience of our reality. Moving Archetypes offers spaces of richness, beauty and dynamism drawn from an ancient tradition that had deep insight into the interconnectedness of all life. The aim of all classes is to allow the experience of living in harmony within and without.
For more details visit Moving Archetypes online or call 044 7643 646
What humanises us is the taste of unconditional freedom. This is liberation that is entirely unravelled from within and does not need any external permission.
‘‘...a judgement free space which feels both enriching and serene...’’