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Safe is sexy — free STI testing in Canberra city

The team at SHFPACT believes there is nothing sexier than looking after your health and the health of those around you!
FUSE  |  Community

The team at Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT (SHFPACT) is helping younger Canberran’s be great lovers with a new free STI testing clinic. No Appointments needed!

Every Tuesday evening, SHFPACT opens their doors to host a new free walk-in STI testing clinic. The clinic was launched with the aim of reaching asymptomatic under-tested under-30s, and offers testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI) and blood-borne viruses (BBV).

There are no appointments or costs; people can just walk in, register and wait to be seen by a nurse or doctor. After a quick chat, clients are offered tests for STIs and BBVs, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV. Blood tests are not compulsory, but are an option.

The youth-orientated service was launched in January this year, and since the launch has had a steady interest each week The turnout has been very positive, and the data has shown that many visitors have never had sexual health checks before. Chief Executive Officer Tracey Hall says it has been great to see so many young people coming through the doors, especially those who are getting tested for the first time.

The rates for chlamydia and gonorrhoea in Australia are highest among people aged under 30, and up to 70% of people with STIs are asymptomatic. For that reason, we really encourage you to come along to the clinic on a Tuesday night to have chat with our team of doctors, nurses and educators, and get tested.” he clinic, supported by the ACT Health Directorate, has been funded for an initial six-month pilot.

SHFPACT is hopeful that a successful trial will result in funding for a long-term service.

The free under-30s walk-in STI testing clinic is open every Tuesday afternoon from 4:30pm-7:30pm at SHFPACT, Level 1, 28 University Avenue, Canberra.