People like Robert French, queer elders and community activists over many years contributed to the decriminalisation of homosexuality in NSW in 1984. It was a painful, long road for many people in the community.
A small city with a big pink heart! Canberra is well known as Australia's most LGBTIQ+ inclusive and gay-friendly city. It's busting at the seams with stunning architecture, museums, parks and historical sites — and that's just the beginning.
Canberra Legal Aid ACT has partnered with Merdian to offer a Free LGBTIQ+ Legal Clinic drop-in service for all the communities. Drop in to see if they can assist you with any legal matters your concerned about. No bookings are required.
We'll get the message out there!
FUSE has been one of Australia's most trusted and loved LGBTIQ+ magazines for over 16 years. We publish a quarterly print publication and an LGBTIQ+ lifestyle website that reaches Australia-wide. Advertising is available in print and online.
We offer our readers a broad range of interesting and informative articles, features and photo spreads. Our content covers everything from entertainment to politics, news, fashion and grooming, fitness and health, arts and travel, reviews, pictorials and the social scene.
The Mustang Ranch is a safe place for men who like men, with lots of great places to play in private or in a group. The Mustang Ranch has playrooms, an internet lounge, a large cinema room and an adult shop. Mustang Ranch also continually run some of the hottest gay adult movies.
News publisher Out claimed Scott’s Ripley for gayness. However, Scott’s own aspirations are more ambiguous, saying “he’s a queer character, in the sense that he’s very ‘other’.”
Often generated from personal narratives, Louis Grant fashions oversensitive, hyper-fragile entities that are not so much fragile because they’re made of glass, but because of the emotional tumult they’re arranged in and by. ‘I know my age and I act like it’, is a reflection on the end of his 20’s. It recalls the melodramatic, nostalgic and often love-sick times.
Ruby Pedder receives Australia’s largest emerging designer prize: Ubank’s Feel-Good Fashion Fund. Australia's award-winning digital bank, ubank, has announced Ruby Pedder as the 2024 honouree of its Feel-Good Fashion Fund, Australia’s newest and largest emerging fashion designer prize.