Buy Rainbow LGBTIQ+ Sydney Business Fair

Buy Rainbow is the only business fair in Sydney to exclusively platform and feature LGBTQIA+ owned and operated businesses.
And you can be part of it.
Coinciding with NSW Small Business Month and in partnership with the City of Sydney, the fair will provide a platform for small businesses within the LGBTQIA+ community to showcase their products and services to a wider audience with attendees being encouraged to ‘Buy Rainbow’.
As a Buy Rainbow Exhibitor, you will have the opportunity to -
- enhance and build your brand awareness
- sell your products and services to new customers, while increasing your customer base
- be part of this inaugural, iconic new event on the LGBTQIA+ calendar
- gain valuable exposure for your business throughout the community
- Date: Saturday, 19 October 2024
- Venue: Paddington Town Hall, 249 Oxford St, Paddington NSW 2021
- Time: 10am to 3pm (bump in from 7.30am-9.30am, bump out 3pm-5pm)
- Number of Exhibitors: 40
- Stall Inclusions: Trestle table & cover, two chairs.
Register NOW for exclusive early-bird discounts - until 31 July only.
SGLBA Members
$199 ($169 early bird!)
You must be logged into the SGLBA website to view and access this registration option. Your SGLBA Membership must also be current. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you have any questions or need assistance.
$289 ($249 early bird!)
PLUS, add on a discounted SGLBA Business Membership for $160 - down from $220 ($60 saving)!
Registrations close 28 September 2024.
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.should you have any questions