Come drag with the queens from Phish & Phreak
Phish and Phreak is Canberra’s Premier Drag Entertainment Company.
NSW | 2025
Sydney & Regional NSW LGBTIQ+ Festivals & Events!
Celebrate all year around with something for everyone in Sydney and regional New South Wales. Pride events, queer film festivals, LGBTIQ+ art, markets, pop-ups, music, expos and more!
Emerald City Kickball
Kickball is Australia's newest LGBTQIA+friendly recreational sports community celebrating queerness and play.
Slay Wednesdays at Universal Sydney
Live life like it’s golden every Wednesday night at slaying Wednesdays at Universal Sydney!
CBR | Community
Beers for Queers
Beers for Queers by Queer Food is a small, independent event and we strive to do everything in our power to make sure that everyone feels welcome.
Canberra | Tuesday Evenings
Women's Coffee Movie Dinner Group
A casual and friendly group that welcomes all like-minded women in Canberra to meet weekly for coffee, a movie and dinner.
YWAC CBR | Tuesdays
A – Z Group For Gender & Sexuality Diverse Young People
A-Z is a social support group for gender and sexuality diverse young people aged 12-25.
Can Rock: Canberra Indoor Rock Climbing
Can Rock is a social indoor rock climbing group for women in the LGBTQI Canberra community and their friends.
Pink Tennis: The Canberra Gay and Lesbian Tennis Club
A bunch of queer people in Canberra who like to play tennis.