Jun 10, 2019

The truth in lies of PrEP

Firstly I want to be totally frank and admit the obvious - PrEP is a  game changer for the MSM (Men who have sex with men) community. Its efficacy is unrivalled (when the daily Truvada regimen is adhered to) and the swathe of studies showing its potential to dramatically reduce and possibly eliminate new HIV infections...  ...(other than when a participant has been infected by a PrEP-resistant strain of the virus however) is incredibly impressive. That’s not what I’m debating, this is not an article undermining PrEP, it’s about underscoring a trend in the community that is worrisome and t...

Jan 29, 2019

In a Heartbeat - Animated Short Gay Film

When recent college graduates Esteban Bravo and Beth David posted their senior thesis film it went viral. The short, called In a Heartbeat, is a simple yet enduring story, a heartwarming fable of young love and all the irrepressible butterflies that come with it. It also just happens to be about two boys, which despite the ascent of LGBTIQ+ characters in film and television is still rarefied in animated or children’s cinema. In a Heartbeat - Animated Short Film from Beth & Esteban on Vimeo. A closeted boy runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to...

Jan 14, 2019

The Coming Back Out Ball

While Canberra recently celebrated the Marriage Equality ‘Yes’ vote at YES!Fest, this Australian documentary charts the emergence of a very different new LGBTIQ ball in Melbourne. The Coming Back Out Ball is a brand new event for LGBTIQ elders who haven’t been ‘out on the scene’ for many a year and is the brainchild of Tristan Meecham and Bec Reid (aka All The Queens Men). We follow the duo in their party preparations and delve into the lives of a range of elders who are each coming to the ball from a different life circumstance, sexuality or gender identity. What all of the elders have ...

Jun 10, 2018

Blonde Bombshell Ready to Blow

I recently had the pleasure of catching up with Australia’s golden boy of comedy… Joel Creasey! To say I was a little nervous to interview the so-called ‘Acid Tongue Prince’ would be like saying the Titanic only sank just a bit. Alas, after overcoming my nerves, and somehow silencing the incessant voice of RuPaul inside my head bellowing ‘DON’T F**K IT UP’, I managed to have a lovely chat with the even lovelier and ever-sassy comedian.

May 24, 2018

Rough and tumble love of roller derby

It was at rollercon in glittering Las Vegas that i witnessed my first lesbian marriage proposal. At half-time of the Vagine Regime vs Caulksuckers’ annual face-off, a handful of the best roller derby players in the world gathered at the centre of the elliptical track.

Mar 5, 2018

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras 2018 (Video)

PRIDE Highlights from the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras 40th Anniversary Parade 2018 Themed "40 years of evolution", the parade honoured the 78ers who fought against police brutality at the first ever march in 1978.  An estimated 300,000 spectators and 12,300 participants made this parade the biggest yet.

Mar 3, 2018

Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras 2018 (Photos)

Fabulous from the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras 40th Anniversary Parade 2018 Themed "40 years of evolution", the parade honoured the 78ers who fought against police brutality at the first ever march in 1978.

Feb 9, 2018

PrEPed & ready to go! Get PreP in Canberra!

“Boys boys all types of boys, black white Puerto Rican Chinese boys”. Get PreP in Canberra! So rapped Missy Elliot in her 2002 single Work It and I for one say, hell yeah!!! Until Mr Right locks me in the cellar, I see no reason not to fully explore the bounty offered in this hot little queer and mixed-race world — and I suspect a few of you adopt a similar approach to your own sex life. Of course, if we’re going to acquire a taste for the global or just the local, then it’s imperative that we also develop an equally-evolved appetite for self-protection. Because there’s no fuller stop on ...

Nov 25, 2017

Not all views deserve respect

When it comes to same-sex marriage, not all views deserve respect. One of the expectations in the ongoing debate over marriage reform in Australia is that all views should be respected. But if we want to uphold the values of the enlightenment and of deliberative democracy...

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