Around the world, the human rights of transgender people are under attack. Media reports of trans women being vilified, excluded and discriminated against are frequent, and the consequences of this rise in hatred towards trans people can be deadly.
Mulch containing asbestos was found in Vitoria Park, home have Mardi Gras Fair Day and 41 other locations across New South Wales, including Sydney parks, schools, hospitals, a supermarket and at least one regional site.
If Tasmania continues to drag its feet on banning Conversion Therapy, it risks becoming a haven for conversion practitioners who have been thrown out of the other Australian states.
Victoria Police are investigating officers who allegedly pretended to be non-binary to claim extra clothing allowance. Reports of officers changing their profiles to 'gender neutral' surfaced in June, causing concern among police management.
The community has been invited to vote for the design that will appear on Yarra Tram’s next #AllAboard pride tram, which spreads the message that everyone is welcome on Victoria's iconic tram network.
An undisclosed amount of cadets (where thinking less than a few) at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) have complained they felt pressured to wear purple clothing on Friday.
In a statement to the press the Defense Department, however, emphasises that WIPD activities are intended to be voluntary for all personnel.
Advocates have welcomed amendments that update references to people with sex variations across existing Tasmanian laws and make those references more inclusive.