Gay Love letters #4

The following heart-rending love letter was written by American World War II veteran Brian Keith to in 1943 his lover Dave.


Get back to basics and look hot with your shirts off

What makes an ideal body, and why do we want one so badly?.

Money Shot

4 money goals to reach before you turn 40

Each new decade of life offers us the chance to reflect on where we’ve come from, what goals we’ve achieved, and which new ones we’d like to set for the future.


Quentin Crisp pioneer of the gay movement

A notoriously, obviously effeminate homosexual, Quentin Crisp saw his mission in life to make the invisible and hidden visible, to make people realise that homosexuals existed.


Acceptance = Happier LGBT people

If your sexual orientation is accepted by society you will be happier and more satisfied with your life.


STOP calling it a choice

Battling the 'homosexual agenda,' the hard-line religious right has made a series of incendiary claims. But they're just not true.


We maybe gay for social, not sexual reasons?

In a paper I published with Duke University professor Brian Hare, we propose human sexuality (including homosexuality) evolved as an outcome of the evolution of increased sociability in humans.


Your ‘ideal’ body, and why you want it?

What makes an ideal body, and why do we want one so badly?


Self Obsession, is it a gay thing?

Surveys show that gay men tend to be more focused on luxuries and beauty products than their heterosexual counterparts.

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