
Self Obsession, is it a gay thing?

Surveys show that gay men tend to be more focused on luxuries and beauty products than their heterosexual counterparts.


The truth in lies of PrEP

Adhering to the daily blue pill of prevention has revolutionised dating and sex in the community like nothing I’ve ever seen before and HIV rates have stagnated as a result.


Rough and tumble love of roller derby

I credit the roller derby community with helping me discover and nurture my queer identity and my inclusive politics.


PrEPed & ready to go! Get PreP in Canberra!

Self-protection comes in many forms. There’s abstinence (you’re on your own there, kid), condoms (a time-honoured tradition) and new-kid-on-the-block, PrEP.


Not all views deserve respect

When it comes to same-sex marriage, not all views deserve respect. One of the expectations in the ongoing debate over marriage reform in Australia is that all views should be respected. But if we want to uphold the values of the enlightenment and of deliberative democracy...


The gay trials of 1772

In the 1760s and 1770s, there was an explosion of public interest in fashionable society gents because the press of the day felt they committed such cardinal sins as rejecting good old English roast beef for dainty foods from Europe such as pasta.


Holocaust survivor "love is stronger than hate"

82 year-old Fred Weisinger is arguably one of the oldest members of Sydney's LGBTI community. This is the story of a gay Holocaust survivor.


Love and Politics. Close & Personal with Andrew Barr

From the vault. In our first issue of FUSE Magazine in April 2009, Nelida Contreras interviewed Andrew Barr, who at that time was the Tourism Minister for the ACT Government. A story of young love and local politics in Canberra.

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