My boyfriend is particularly blessed

Dear Ben, Being well blessed comes with pros and cons, and if you are a newbie to this kind of relationship, you need to seek the appropriate advice regarding how to prepare yourself for that level of loving.
We are lucky here in Australia that every state has a queer place to seek advice from. In the ACT it is Meridian, in NSW it’s ACON, in QLD it’s Queensland Council for LGBTI Health, and so on. All of these services can give you the appropriate advice to be in a space to take your relationship to the next level.In the meantime, talk to your BF and explain your hesitance and your fears regarding this, and ask for a bit of patience until you are comfortable and confident going to the next level.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
24 hours Lifeline 13 11 14
24 hours QLife 1800 184 527
Westlund Counselling Canberra 02 6257 2855
Relationships Australia 1300 364 277
PLEASE NOTE: Any relationship, love, health, mental health, fitness or dietary advice contained on the FUSE Magazine website or in print is for entertainment and informational purposes only. Consult your doctor, counsellor, psychologist, physician, fitness, health professional before taking any life advice, changing your diet, doing any exercise program, or taking any supplements or remedies of any kind. Photographs used to illustrate editorial do not depict the real lives, behaviour or sexuality of the models. Opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the FUSE publisher, editor or staff.